Serious Games for Health and Medicine
View E-collection for ‘Serious Games for Health and Medicine’
Evaluating the Benefits of Collaboration in Simulation Games: The Case of Health Care
JMIR Serious Games 2014 (Jan 28); 2(1):e1Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
DietBet: A Web-Based Program that Uses Social Gaming and Financial Incentives to Promote Weight Loss
JMIR Serious Games 2014 (Feb 07); 2(1):e2Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Colleen Cheek, Heather Bridgman, Theresa Fleming, Elizabeth Cummings, Leonie Ellis, Mathijs FG Lucassen, Matthew Shepherd, Timothy Skinner
JMIR Serious Games 2014 (Feb 18); 2(1):e3Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Miriam Clemente, Beatriz Rey, Aina Rodriguez-Pujadas, Juani Breton-Lopez, Alfonso Barros-Loscertales, Rosa M Baños, Cristina Botella, Mariano Alcañiz, Cesar Avila
JMIR Serious Games 2014 (Jun 27); 2(1):e6Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Exergames, Active Games and Gamification of Physical Activity
View E-collection for ‘Exergames, Active Games and Gamification of Physical Activity’
Monique Simons, Emely de Vet, Mai JM Chinapaw, Michiel de Boer, Jacob C Seidell, Johannes Brug
JMIR Serious Games 2014 (Apr 04); 2(1):e4Download Citation: END BibTex RIS