JMIR Serious Games
A multidisciplinary journal on gaming and gamification including simulation and immersive virtual reality for health education/promotion, teaching, medicine, rehabilitation, and social change.
Gunther Eysenbach, MD, MPH, FACMI, Founding Editor and Publisher; Adjunct Professor, School of Health Information Science, University of Victoria, Canada
Impact Factor 3.8 CiteScore 7.3
Recent Articles

Current telemedicine technology is not optimized for conducting physical examinations. The Virtual Remote Tele-Physical Examination (VIRTEPEX) system, a novel proprietary technology platform which uses a Microsoft Kinect-based augmented reality game system to track motion and estimate force, has potential to assist with conducting asynchronous, remote musculoskeletal examination.

This review explores virtual reality (VR) and exercise simulator–based interventions for individuals with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Past research indicates that both VR and simulator-based interventions enhance cognitive functions, such as executive function and memory, though their impacts on attention vary.

Gamification refers to using game design elements in nongame contexts. Promoting physical activity (PA) through gamification is a novel and promising avenue for improving lifestyles and mitigating the advancement of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). However, evidence of its effectiveness remains mixed.

Aging in older adults results in a decline in physical function and quality of daily life. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the exercise frequency among older adults decreased, further contributing to frailty. Traditional rehabilitation using repetitive movements tends not to attract older adults to perform independently.

Physical activity supports the health and well-being of individuals with physical disabilities. Despite the significance of engaging in physical activity, barriers faced by individuals with disabilities, such as limited access to adapted facilities and lack of transportation, can restrict their participation. Community organizations play a role in addressing these challenges, but virtual reality (VR) also offers a way to diversify adapted activities. In some situations, VR can help overcome the resource limitations of organizations by providing accessible, engaging, and highly personalized options for physical activity.

Amblyopia is a common cause of visual impairment in children. The compliance with traditional treatments of amblyopia is challenging due to negative psychosocial impacts. Recent shifts in amblyopia treatment have moved from suppressing the dominant eye to enhancing binocular visual function. Binocular digital therapy has become a promising approach.

Attentional bias to pain-related information has been implicated in pain chronicity. To date, research investigating attentional bias modification training (ABMT) procedures in people with chronic pain has found variable success, perhaps because training paradigms are typically repetitive and monotonous, which could negatively affect engagement and adherence. Increasing engagement through the gamification (ie, the use of game elements) of ABMT may provide the opportunity to overcome some of these barriers. However, ABMT studies applied to the chronic pain field have not yet incorporated gamification elements.

Children and adolescents are often at the crossroads of leisure gaming and excessive gaming. It is essential to identify the modifiable psychosocial factors influencing gaming disorder development. The lay theories of self-control (i.e., the beliefs about whether self-control can be improved, also called self-control mindsets) may interplay with self-control and gaming disorder and serve as a promising influential factor for gaming disorder.

Serious games play a fundamental role in promoting safe sexual behaviors. This medium has great potential for promoting healthy behaviors that prevent potential risk factors, such as sexually transmitted infections, and promote adherence to sexual health treatments, such as antiretroviral therapy. The ubiquity of mobile devices enhances access to such tools, increasing the effectiveness of video games as agents of change.

Complications due to dysphagia are increasingly prevalent among the elderly; however, the tediousness and complexity of conventional tongue rehabilitation treatments affect their willingness to rehabilitate. It is currently unclear whether integrating gameplay into a tongue training app is a feasible approach to rehabilitation.
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