Published on in Vol 1, No 1 (2013): Inaugural Issue

Gamification: What It Is and Why It Matters to Digital Health Behavior Change Developers

Gamification: What It Is and Why It Matters to Digital Health Behavior Change Developers

Gamification: What It Is and Why It Matters to Digital Health Behavior Change Developers

Authors of this article:

Brian Cugelman1 Author Orcid Image


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  239. Sandoval-Hernández I, Molina-Torres G, León-Morillas F, Ropero-Padilla C, González-Sánchez M, Martínez-Cal J. Analysis of different gamification-based teaching resources for physiotherapy students: a comparative study. BMC Medical Education 2023;23(1) View
  240. Painter D, Norwood M, Marsh C, Hine T, Harvie D, Libera M, Bernhardt J, Gan L, Zeeman H. Immersive virtual reality gameplay detects visuospatial atypicality, including unilateral spatial neglect, following brain injury: a pilot study. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2023;20(1) View
  241. Chin G, Chow K. Technology-Enabled Interventions for Sustaining Behaviour Change in Adolescents: A Scoping Review for Research Gaps. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2023;7(CSCW2):1 View
  243. Marache-Francisco C, Brangier É. Gamification and human-machine interaction: a synthesis. Le travail humain 2015;Vol. 78(2):165 View
  244. Clement A, Ravet M, Stanger C, Gabrielli J. Feasibility, usability, and acceptability of MobileCoach-Teen: A smartphone app-based preventative intervention for risky adolescent drinking behavior. Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment 2024;159:209275 View
  245. Fisher A, Miley A, Glazer S, Gies L, Parikh N, Lam L, Wade S. Feasibility and acceptability of an online parenting intervention to address behaviour problems in moderately to extremely preterm pre‐school and school‐age children. Child: Care, Health and Development 2024;50(1) View
  246. Oh H, Pontis S. Understanding individuals with spinal cord injury’s self-care practices: a technology probe study to promote pressure relief adherence. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 2024;19(7):2565 View
  247. Hakim H, Driedger S, Gagnon D, Chevrier J, Roch G, Dubé E, Witteman H. Digital Gamification Tools to Enhance Vaccine Uptake: A Scoping Review (Preprint). JMIR Serious Games 2023 View
  248. Pérez-Jorge D, Martínez-Murciano M, Contreras-Madrid A, Alonso-Rodríguez I. The Relationship between Gamified Physical Exercise and Mental Health in Adolescence: An Example of Open Innovation in Gamified Learning. Healthcare 2024;12(2):124 View
  249. Straand I, Følstad A, Bjørnestad J. Exploring a Gaming-Based Intervention for Unemployed Young Adults: Thematic Analysis. JMIR Human Factors 2024;11:e44423 View
  250. Lee S, Yuh C, Shin Y, Lee H, Lee Y, Lee J, Cho C. Effects of a Rice-Farming Simulation Video Game on Nature Relatedness, Nutritional Status, and Psychological State in Urban-Dwelling Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Randomized Waitlist Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2024;26:e51596 View
  251. Jeong H, Yoo J, Goh M, Song H. Deep breathing in your hands: designing and assessing a DTx mobile app. Frontiers in Digital Health 2024;6 View
  252. Wols A, Pingel M, Lichtwarck-Aschoff A, Granic I. Effectiveness of applied and casual games for young people's mental health: A systematic review of randomised controlled studies. Clinical Psychology Review 2024;108:102396 View
  253. Matsuoka Y, Yoshida H, Hanazato M. A Smartphone-Based Shopping Mall Walking Program and Daily Walking Steps. JAMA Network Open 2024;7(1):e2353957 View
  254. Sriwatanathamma P, Sirivesmas V, Simatrang S, Bhowmik N. Developing a Framework for Interactions in CBT-Based Serious Games on Smartphones. International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations 2024;16(1):1 View
  255. Panzavolta A, Cerami C, Caffarra P, De Vita D, Dodich A, Fonti C, L’Abbate F, Laganà V, Lavorgna L, Marra C, Papagno C, Pellegrini F, Stracciari A, Trojano L, Iaquinta T, Ravizza A, Sternini F, Pandolfi R, Sanzone S, Calore M, Cappa S. A digital teleneuropsychology platform for the diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment: from concept to certification as a medical device. Neurological Sciences 2024;45(7):3125 View
  256. Sit S, Lai A, Wong H, Hung K, Wang M, Ho S, Lam T. Gamified Strength Recognition and Quiz to Enhance COVID-19 Prevention, Knowledge, Behaviors, and Family Well-Being. Games for Health Journal 2024;13(3):172 View
  257. Fitton Davies K, Clarke S, Martins R, Rudd J, Duncan M. The effect of a home-based, gamified stability skills intervention on 4-5-year-old children’s physical and cognitive outcomes: A pilot study. Psychology of Sport and Exercise 2024;73:102636 View
  258. Luo Q, Zhang Y, Wang W, Cui T, Li T. mHealth-Based Gamification Interventions Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in the HIV Prevention and Care Continuum: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2024;12:e49509 View
  259. Duffy C, Jennings J, Shuck B, Immekus J. Employee Engagement With Corporate-Based Health and Wellness Programs: A Multiple Regression Analysis. New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development 2024;36(2):117 View
  260. Amonoo H, Newcomb R, Lorenz K, Psenka R, Holmbeck K, Farnam E, Tse A, Desai S, Vassev N, Waldman L, El-Jawahri A. A novel psychosocial virtual reality intervention (BMT-VR) for patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: Pilot randomized clinical trial design and methods. Contemporary Clinical Trials 2024;142:107550 View
  261. Cera G, Khan K. Mobile Banking Intention: Nexus Between Innovation, Tech Adoption, and Gamification. Journal of East-West Business 2024:1 View
  262. Edwards E, Lumsden J, Rivas C, Steed L, Edwards L, Thiyagarajan A, Sohanpal R, Caton H, Griffiths C, Munafò M, Taylor S, Walton R. Gamification for health promotion: systematic review of behaviour change techniques in smartphone apps. BMJ Open 2016;6(10):e012447 View
  263. Peleg M, Veggiotti N, Sacchi L, Wilk S. How can we reward you? A compliance and reward ontology (CaRO) for eliciting quantitative reward rules for engagement in mHealth app and healthy behaviors. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 2024;154:104655 View
  264. Cónego L, Pinto R, Gonçalves G. Digital Transformation in Manufacturing: The Synergy of Chatbots and Tailored Gamification Strategies. Procedia Computer Science 2024;237:171 View
  265. Bressler M, Merk J, Gohlke T, Kayali F, Daigeler A, Kolbenschlag J, Prahm C. A Virtual Reality Serious Game for the Rehabilitation of Hand and Finger Function: Iterative Development and Suitability Study. JMIR Serious Games 2024;12:e54193 View
  266. Berger M, Jung C. Gamification preferences in nutrition apps: Toward healthier diets and food choices. DIGITAL HEALTH 2024;10 View
  267. Sestino A, D'Angelo A. Elderly patients' reactions to gamification-based digital therapeutics (DTx): The relevance of socialization tendency seeking. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 2024;205:123526 View
  268. Radovick S, Hershkovitz E, Kalisvaart A, Koning M, Paridaens K, Kamel Boulos M. Gamification Concepts to Promote and Maintain Therapy Adherence in Children with Growth Hormone Deficiency. J 2018;1(1):71 View
  269. Mahmoudi E, Yejong Yoo P, Chandra A, Cardoso R, Denner Dos Santos C, Majnemer A, Shikako K. Gamification in Mobile Apps for Children With Disabilities: Scoping Review. JMIR Serious Games 2024;12:e49029 View
  270. Greysen S, Oon A, Harkins K, Rareshide C, Mondal A, Patel M, Grill J, Karlawish J. Effect of gamification with a support partner to increase physical activity in older adults at risk for Alzheimer's disease: The STEP 4Life randomized clinical trial. Alzheimer's & Dementia 2024;20(8):5450 View
  271. Chan G, Banire B, Anukem S, Imran M, Meena S, Nwagu C, Oyebode O, Alslaity A, Arya A, Orji R. Social Exergames in Health and Wellness: A Systematic Review of Trends, Effectiveness, Challenges, and Directions for Future Research. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 2024:1 View
  272. Ariño-Mateo E, García-Carretero J, Alonso-Rodríguez I, Olmos-Raya E. Gamified Physical Exercise and Mental Health. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología 2024;4:1063 View
  273. Zhao Z, Cheng M. A narrative review of social media interventions aimed at reducing food waste in tourism and hospitality. Current Issues in Tourism 2024:1 View
  274. Freyer O, Wrona K, de Snoeck Q, Hofmann M, Melvin T, Stratton-Powell A, Wicks P, Parks A, Gilbert S. The regulatory status of health apps that employ gamification. Scientific Reports 2024;14(1) View
  275. Alvarez‐Jimenez M, Nicholas J, Valentine L, Liu P, Mangelsdorf S, Baker S, Gilbertson T, O'Loughlin G, McEnery C, McGorry P, Gleeson J, Cross S. A national evaluation of a multi‐modal, blended, digital intervention integrated within Australian youth mental health services. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 2024 View
  276. Nishi S, Kavanagh M, Ramboanga K, Ayoub-Charette S, Modol S, Dias G, Kendall C, Sievenpiper J, Chiavaroli L. Effect of digital health applications with or without gamification on physical activity and cardiometabolic risk factors: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. eClinicalMedicine 2024:102798 View
  277. García-Pazo P, Fornés-Vives J, Abad A, Davis S. NoFumo+: Mobile Health App to Quit Smoking Using Cognitive‐Behavioral Therapy. Nursing Research and Practice 2024;2024(1) View
  278. Ehrler F, Gschwind Tran L, Hagberg H, Meyer P, Blondon K. Smart-Meds, a medication management app for patients after an acute coronary syndrome: A pilot pre-post study (Preprint). JMIR Cardio 2023 View
  279. Mojica M, Palos-Sanchez P, Cabanas E. Is there innovation management of emotions or just the commodification of happiness? A sentiment analysis of happiness apps. European Journal of Innovation Management 2024 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Bychkov D, Young S. Big Data in Engineering Applications. View
  2. Rodrigues F, Baptista T, Boulos M. Encyclopedia of E-Health and Telemedicine. View
  3. Cook K, Brennan E, Gray C, Kennard T. Design, User Experience, and Usability: Interactive Experience Design. View
  4. Hanusová J, Štěpánková T, Tomanová J, Dočkalová S, Papežová H. Handbook of Research on Holistic Perspectives in Gamification for Clinical Practice. View
  5. Kocakoyun S, Ozdamli F. Socialization - A Multidimensional Perspective. View
  6. Zurstiege G, Zipfel S, Ort A, Mack I, Meitz T, Schäffeler N. Informational Environments. View
  7. AlMarshedi A, Wanick V, Wills G, Ranchhod A. Gamification. View
  8. Karppinen M, Karppinen J, Halonen R. Advances in Computer Communication and Computational Sciences. View
  9. Hanusová J, Štěpánková T, Tomanová J, Dočkalová S, Papežová H. Gaming and Technology Addiction. View
  10. Uğur S, Şahin Y. Administrative Leadership in Open and Distance Learning Programs. View
  11. Schulz L, Spil A, de Vries S. Delivering Superior Health and Wellness Management with IoT and Analytics. View
  12. Souza-Júnior M, Queiroz L, Correia-Neto J, Vilar G. New Advances in Information Systems and Technologies. View
  13. Gavalas D, Kasapakis V, Dzardanova E. Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Games. View
  14. Ilhan A, Fietkiewicz K. Perspectives on Wearable Enhanced Learning (WELL). View
  15. King D, Rahman E, Potter A, van Teijlingen E. Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference (FTC) 2018. View
  16. Balasubramanian G, Lee H, Poon K, Lim W, Yong W. Design, User Experience, and Usability: Theory, Methodology, and Management. View
  17. Drakopoulos G, Mylonas P, Sioutas S. GeNeDis 2018. View
  18. Sinha N. IoT in Healthcare and Ambient Assisted Living. View
  19. Blankenhagel K, Werner J, Mayer G, Schultz J, Zarnekow R. Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare. View
  20. Ofori M, El-Gayar O. Optimizing Health Monitoring Systems With Wireless Technology. View
  21. Mustafa A, Ali N, Dhillon J. Innovative Systems for Intelligent Health Informatics. View
  22. Ögel Aydın S. Handbook of Research on Cross-Disciplinary Uses of Gamification in Organizations. View
  23. Yadav A. Marketing and Smart Technologies. View
  24. Schönbohm A, Walter J. Life Science Management. View
  25. Altuwayrib S, Win K, Freeman M. Persuasive Technology. View
  26. Saprikis V, Vlachopoulou M. Operational Research in the Era of Digital Transformation and Business Analytics. View
  27. de Crignis A, Müller F. Assistive Technologien, technische Rehabilitation und Unterstützte Kommunikation. View
  28. Gavalas D, Kasapakis V, Dzardanova E. Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Games. View
  29. Saxena S, Joshi H. The Climate-Health-Sustainability Nexus. View
  30. Qiu Y, Tan T, Vun C, Shen Z. HCI in Games. View