Published on in Vol 5, No 3 (2017): Jul-Sept

Exergames Encouraging Exploration of Hemineglected Space in Stroke Patients With Visuospatial Neglect: A Feasibility Study

Exergames Encouraging Exploration of Hemineglected Space in Stroke Patients With Visuospatial Neglect: A Feasibility Study

Exergames Encouraging Exploration of Hemineglected Space in Stroke Patients With Visuospatial Neglect: A Feasibility Study

Bernadette C Tobler-Ammann   1, 2 , MScOT ;   Elif Surer   3, 4 , PhD ;   Eling D de Bruin   5 , PhD ;   Marco Rabuffetti   6 , DrEng ;   N Alberto Borghese   4 , PhD ;   Renato Mainetti   4 , MSc ;   Michele Pirovano   4 , PhD ;   Lia Wittwer   7 , MSc ;   Ruud H Knols   1 , PhD

1 Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Research Center, Directorate of Research and Education, University Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

2 Care and Public Health Research Institute, Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands

3 Graduate School of Informatics, Department of Modeling and Simulation, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey

4 Applied Intelligent Systems Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy

5 Institute of Human Movement Sciences and Sport, Department of Health Sciences and Technology, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland

6 Polo Tecnologico, Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus, Milan, Italy

7 Parkinson Center, Epileptology, Neurorehabilitation, Clinic Bethesda, Tschugg, Switzerland

Corresponding Author:

  • Bernadette C Tobler-Ammann, MScOT
  • Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Research Center
  • Directorate of Research and Education
  • University Hospital Zurich
  • OST U 103A
  • Rämistrasse 100
  • Zurich
  • Switzerland
  • Phone: 41 44 255 24 91
  • Email: