Published on in Vol 6, No 1 (2018): Jan-Mar

Virtual Travel Training for Autism Spectrum Disorder: Proof-of-Concept Interventional Study

Virtual Travel Training for Autism Spectrum Disorder: Proof-of-Concept Interventional Study

Virtual Travel Training for Autism Spectrum Disorder: Proof-of-Concept Interventional Study


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  17. Warsinsky S, Schmidt-Kraepelin M, Rank S, Thiebes S, Sunyaev A. Conceptual Ambiguity Surrounding Gamification and Serious Games in Health Care: Literature Review and Development of Game-Based Intervention Reporting Guidelines (GAMING). Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(9):e30390 View
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  23. Mouga S, Duarte I, Café C, Sousa D, Duque F, Oliveira G, Castelo-Branco M. Attentional Cueing and Executive Deficits Revealed by a Virtual Supermarket Task Coupled With Eye-Tracking in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Frontiers in Psychology 2021;12 View
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  35. Brusilovskiy E, Salzer M, Pomponio Davidson A, Feeley C, Pfeiffer B. Using GPS and Self-Report Data to Examine the Relationship Between Community Mobility and Community Participation Among Autistic Young Adults. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy 2024;78(3) View
  36. Ha J, Park J. Virtual Reality Serious Games for Vocational Training in Individuals with Developmental Disabilities: Focus on Road to Wheel Master. Journal of Digital Contents Society 2024;25(6):1453 View
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  38. Ghanouni P, Raphael R, Seaker L, Casey A. How to build resiliency in autistic individuals: an implication to advance mental health. BMC Psychology 2024;12(1) View
  39. Gu P, Qian X, Xu X, Zhang L, Ma Z. Enhancing daily living skills in autistic individuals through extended reality: a scoping review. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities 2024:1 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. de Heer J, Hrynkiewicz R, de Groot T, Poyraz E. Advances in Human Factors in Training, Education, and Learning Sciences. View
  2. Cunningham S, Henry J, Weinel J. Technology, Design and the Arts - Opportunities and Challenges. View
  3. Jackson C, Jackson G. Education and Technology Support for Children and Young Adults With ASD and Learning Disabilities. View
  4. Zhang Q, Cao Q, Cai Y. When VR Serious Games Meet Special Needs Education. View
  5. Glumbić N, Đorđević M, Brojčin B. Digital Inclusion of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. View
  6. Barletta V, Caruso F, Di Mascio T, Piccinno A. Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, 12th International Conference. View
  7. Hoe G, Cao Q, Chen J, Cai Y. Virtual and Augmented Reality, Simulation and Serious Games for Education. View
  8. Bishop H, Curry A, Yerys B. Transitioning to Adulthood with Autism: Ethical, Legal and Social Issues. View
  9. Stasolla F, Ciarmoli D. Assistive Technologies for Assessment and Recovery of Neurological Impairments. View