Published on in Vol 10, No 1 (2022): Jan-Mar

Preprints (earlier versions) of this paper are available at, first published .
Visual Attention of Anesthesia Providers in Simulated Anesthesia Emergencies Using Conventional Number-Based and Avatar-Based Patient Monitoring: Prospective Eye-Tracking Study

Visual Attention of Anesthesia Providers in Simulated Anesthesia Emergencies Using Conventional Number-Based and Avatar-Based Patient Monitoring: Prospective Eye-Tracking Study

Visual Attention of Anesthesia Providers in Simulated Anesthesia Emergencies Using Conventional Number-Based and Avatar-Based Patient Monitoring: Prospective Eye-Tracking Study

JMIR Serious Games: Visual Attention of Anesthesia Providers in Simulated Anesthesia Emergencies Using Conventional…

2:18 PM · Mar 22, 2022


RT @jmirpub: JMIR Serious Games: Visual Attention of Anesthesia Providers in Simulated Anesthesia Emergencies Using Conventional Number-Bas…

2:18 PM · Mar 22, 2022