Published on in Vol 10, No 4 (2022): Oct-Dec

Preprints (earlier versions) of this paper are available at, first published .
Handheld Weights as an Effective and Comfortable Way To Increase Exercise Intensity of Physical Activity in Virtual Reality: Empirical Study

Handheld Weights as an Effective and Comfortable Way To Increase Exercise Intensity of Physical Activity in Virtual Reality: Empirical Study

Handheld Weights as an Effective and Comfortable Way To Increase Exercise Intensity of Physical Activity in Virtual Reality: Empirical Study


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  6. Polechoński J. Assessment of the intensity and attractiveness of physical exercise while playing table tennis in an immersive virtual environment depending on the game mode. BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation 2024;16(1) View
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  8. Szczechowicz B, Ryśnik J, Polechoński J, Tomik R. Wieloaspektowa ocena doświadczeń osób podejmujących rekreacyjną aktywność fizyczną w rzeczywistości realnej oraz immersyjnej i nieimmersyjnej rzeczywistości wirtualnej. Studia Periegetica 2024;46(2):7 View