Published on in Vol 12 (2024)

This is a member publication of University of Oxford (Jisc)

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Developing an Automated Virtual Reality Therapy for Improving Positive Self-Beliefs and Psychological Well-Being (Phoenix VR Self-Confidence Therapy): Tutorial

Developing an Automated Virtual Reality Therapy for Improving Positive Self-Beliefs and Psychological Well-Being (Phoenix VR Self-Confidence Therapy): Tutorial

Developing an Automated Virtual Reality Therapy for Improving Positive Self-Beliefs and Psychological Well-Being (Phoenix VR Self-Confidence Therapy): Tutorial

Laina Rosebrock   1, 2 , PhD ;   Jason Freeman   1 , MA ;   Aitor Rovira   1, 2 , PhD ;   Andre Lages Miguel   1 , MSc ;   Rupert Ward   1 , PhD ;   Matthew Bousfield   1 , BA ;   Ludovic Riffiod   1 ;   Roya Kamvar   3 , BA ;   Thomas Kabir   1, 3 , PhD ;   Felicity Waite   1, 2 , DClinPsych ;   Daniel Freeman   1, 2 , DClinPsy

1 Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom

2 Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, Oxford, United Kingdom

3 The McPin Foundation, London, United Kingdom

Corresponding Author:

  • Laina Rosebrock, PhD
  • Department of Experimental Psychology
  • University of Oxford
  • New Radcliffe House, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Rd
  • Oxford, OX2 6NW
  • United Kingdom
  • Phone: 44 01865 618332
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