Research Letter
This research letter presents the co-design process for RG4Face, a mime therapy–based serious game that uses computer vision for human facial movement recognition and estimation to help health care professionals and patients in the facial rehabilitation process.
JMIR Serious Games 2024;12:e52661doi:10.2196/52661
Facial paralysis is a consequence of damage or injury to the facial nerve, resulting in functional impairments. A challenge of rehabilitation through exercise repetition is maintaining patients' engagement and motivation in the intensive and repetitive execution of the exercises necessary for successful rehabilitation [
]. Repetitive and intensive movements are recommended for progress in treatment [ ], and the variety of movements has significant effects on patient recovery [ ].In motor rehabilitation, exergames—serious games that require physical exercise to play—add fun to exercises and allow patients to forget about their condition and focus on the game [
]. Studies conducted with games for motor rehabilitation have achieved promising results [ ] on patient motivation and engagement [ ]. This study aimed to co-design RG4Face—an exergame for facial rehabilitation.Methods
Ethical Considerations
This study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Universidade Federal do Delta do Parnaíba (5.632.311). The first author (DLS) provided explicit consent for use of his image in
and .Study Design
To develop RG4Face, a co-design procedure (
) was conducted with physiotherapists (n=16) and psychologists (n=5; ) to obtain the necessary knowledge on the game requirements.In the first stage, a version of the game was developed with an initial idea (
). In the second, we recruited physiotherapists and psychologists to participate in co-design meetings (August to November 2022) and answer a questionnaire. We then presented the game to the participants and allowed them to make suggestions. The prototype was essential to encouraging participation during meetings. In total, 5 meetings were held—4 with physiotherapists and 1 with psychologists. The main activities of the meetings were brainstorming sessions, in which the generation of game requirements was encouraged for their incorporation into visual elements, gamification, and game mechanics. Meeting results allowed for the creation of a list of requirements. As a third stage, we are concluding the implementation of RG4Face based on the produced requirements. The game code was implemented in JavaScript to provide new features for facial rehabilitation via the Rehabilite Game platform [ ].
Per its initial conception, RG4Face uses computer vision (via a camera) for capturing, recognizing, and estimating human facial movements. The game prototype was implemented via the MediaPipe face mesh [
] to enable the recognition and use of 1 movement (eg, raising eyebrows; ie, frontal muscle) to control game elements. The game involves a spaceship moving horizontally across the bottom of the captured video window and firing a projectile when face movement is detected. The main objective is to hit triangles that randomly appear on the player's face.presents participants’ suggestions during co-design, game requirements, and rationales.
RG4Face is in the testing phase and, prior to evaluations, can recognize 6 movements used in mime therapy to improve facial muscle strength and mobility (
). To implement the recognition of these movements, MediaPipe was used [ ]. The face mesh model allows for the real-time tracking of 468 3D landmarks on the human face that represent important facial features (eg, eyes, eyebrows, nose, and mouth). Distances between landmarks are calculated to recognize movements.RG4Face provides a mirror therapy feature [
], which can mirror the healthy side of the face to create a visual illusion that can help reduce pain and improve function. RG4Face allows for parameter adjustment on the Rehabilite Game platform. Health care professionals can choose specific game mechanics for each rehabilitation case, thereby customizing the game according to patients’ needs and difficulties.Participants’ suggestions | Refined requirement | Rationale |
We co-designed a serious game for facial rehabilitation that represents a potential new approach to improving patients’ adherence to facial rehabilitation. The co-design procedure allowed stakeholders to participate in defining game requirements, thereby empowering the tool to meet the needs and expectations of patients and be more engaging and motivating.
Although there are studies that focus on games for rehabilitating specific parts of the face (eg, eyes [
] and mouth [ ]), to our knowledge, no serious game for facial rehabilitation has been proposed that can recognize the face movements used in mime therapy. This study proposes the first such exergame.Our results demonstrate that the co-design approach was effective for creating a serious game with the potential to meet patients' needs. We plan to evaluate the game with health care professionals, healthy participants, and patients with facial paralysis.
This work was supported by the Federal Institute of Maranhão, Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES; finance code 001), National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq; grants 308736/2022-2 and 308059/2022-0), and State Funding Agency of Maranhão (FAPEMA; grant UNIVERSAL-06123/22).
Conflicts of Interest
None declared.
Video presentation with the game prototype before the co-design procedure.
MP4 File (MP4 Video), 7354 KBVideo presentation with the game after implementing requirements from the co-design procedure.
MP4 File (MP4 Video), 55743 KBDemographic characteristics of participants.
DOCX File , 15 KBReferences
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Edited by T Leung; submitted 11.09.23; peer-reviewed by A Junus, Y Asada; comments to author 03.11.23; revised version received 09.11.23; accepted 29.12.23; published 24.01.24.
Copyright©Daniel Lima Sousa, Silmar Teixeira, José Everton Fontenele, Renato Mendes Santos, Leynilson Pereira, Rodrigo Baluz, Victor Hugo Bastos, Ariel Soares Teles. Originally published in JMIR Serious Games (, 24.01.2024.
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