Serious Games for Health and Medicine
View E-collection for ‘Serious Games for Health and Medicine’
Tomás Ruiz-López, Sagar Sen, Elisabeth Jakobsen, Ameli Tropé, Philip E Castle, Bo Terning Hansen, Mari Nygård
JMIR Serious Games 2019 (Apr 08); 7(2):e8540Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Sarah Verschueren, Connor Buffel, Geert Vander Stichele
JMIR Serious Games 2019 (May 02); 7(2):e11565Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

An Interactive Mobile App Game to Address Aggression (RegnaTales): Pilot Quantitative Study
Jeffrey G Ong, Nikki S Lim-Ashworth, Yoon P Ooi, Jillian S Boon, Rebecca P Ang, Dion H Goh, Say H Ong, Daniel S Fung
JMIR Serious Games 2019 (May 08); 7(2):e13242Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Lorien C Abroms, Marc Fishman, Hoa Vo, Shawn C Chiang, Victoria Somerville, Lawrence Rakhmanov, Michael Ruggiero, Daniel Greenberg
JMIR Serious Games 2019 (May 23); 7(2):e11716Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Connor Buffel, June van Aalst, Anne-Marie Bangels, Jaan Toelen, Karel Allegaert, Sarah Verschueren, Geert Vander Stichele
JMIR Serious Games 2019 (Jun 11); 7(2):e12431Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Games for Medical Education and Training
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Martina Klincova, Hana Harazim, Daniel Schwarz, Martina Kosinova, Olga Smekalova, Petr Stourac
JMIR Serious Games 2019 (Apr 09); 7(2):e10155Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Florian Ebner, Amelie De Gregorio, Fabienne Schochter, Inga Bekes, Wolfgang Janni, Krisztian Lato
JMIR Serious Games 2019 (May 01); 7(2):e12713Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Formative Evaluation and Development of Games
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Matthew Jones, Alena Denisova, Stephen Mitchell, Tom Owen
JMIR Serious Games 2019 (Apr 16); 7(2):e11909Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Sarah Verschueren, June van Aalst, Anne-Marie Bangels, Jaan Toelen, Karel Allegaert, Connor Buffel, Geert Vander Stichele
JMIR Serious Games 2019 (Jun 10); 7(2):e12429Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Viewpoints and Personal Experiences on Gaming and Games
View E-collection for ‘Viewpoints and Personal Experiences on Gaming and Games’
Do-It-Yourself Gamified Cognitive Training: Viewpoint
Sjors CF van de Weijer, Mark L Kuijf, Nienke M de Vries, Bastiaan R Bloem, Annelien A Duits
JMIR Serious Games 2019 (May 07); 7(2):e12130Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Theoretical Foundations and Frameworks on Games and Gamification
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Kate Winskell, Gaëlle Sabben, Christopher Obong'o
JMIR Serious Games 2019 (May 08); 7(2):e13037Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Najmeh Khalili-Mahani, Bob De Schutter
JMIR Serious Games 2019 (Jun 06); 7(2):e13303Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Games for Cognitive Assessment
View E-collection for ‘Games for Cognitive Assessment’Alvin Chesham, Stephan Moreno Gerber, Narayan Schütz, Hugo Saner, Klemens Gutbrod, René Martin Müri, Tobias Nef, Prabitha Urwyler
JMIR Serious Games 2019 (May 09); 7(2):e13620Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Serious Games for Education
View E-collection for ‘Serious Games for Education’Exergames, Active Games and Gamification of Physical Activity
View E-collection for ‘Exergames, Active Games and Gamification of Physical Activity’
Nuša Farič, Eleanor Yorke, Laura Varnes, Katie Newby, Henry WW Potts, Lee Smith, Adrian Hon, Andrew Steptoe, Abigail Fisher
JMIR Serious Games 2019 (Jun 17); 7(2):e11960Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Damon Joyner, Heidi Wengreen, Sheryl Aguilar, Gregory Madden
JMIR Serious Games 2019 (Jun 18); 7(2):e13051Download Citation: END BibTex RIS